July 26, 2013

Top 10 Features of SharePoint 2013

What is SharePoint 2013

SharePoint Server is not a program it is a platform. Collection of products Learning SharePoint is like learning Microsoft office. Say you learn MS word, excel, outlook and so on. In same way you learn SharePoint it has massive products and features; you learn and use your own combination of products which are meaningful to you.
Pillars are:
Sites – few click away every new site
Search – search people, phrase, and words
Insight – store information and understand in better and meaningful way.
Communities – can work with other people, share files, calendar, discussion, and blogs.
SkyDrive – Can share and save, update files over cloud. 
Content – Place to put you content (Word, excel, audio, video with many features version, sharing, following etc…)

lets have a look on New introduced features my Microsoft in SharePoint 2013

I have simplified above table in point lets have a look

1. Focus on Social features – newsfeeds, like, follow, share, and send links and hashtag features.

2. Smarter Search - last viewed page and search details with share, follow and preview feature.

3. Simpler and Mobile-Ready UI with multi device and platform support (iOS, Android, Windows).

4. SharePoint App Model – can add apps from MS market place. Deploy own apps (app/cloud).

5. Sky Drive – Cloud ready, auto Sync files and can edit, delete and upload files from any device.

6. Integrated and Better Workflow in SharePoint 2013.

7. Easy Migration Tools for SharePoint 2013.

8. Lower Costs-Fast search integration and no FIS licensing needed.

9. Newsfeeds- Facebook and twitter like, follow, share and Hashtag features.

10. Simplified Sharing – documents share and follow features.

Apart from that  have few more Features you will like...
11. Drag and Drop feature to upload files in SharePoint document library.

12. Image Rendition – part of image can be render in may size of one image.

13. Shredded storage – when file is edited saves only updated part of file instead of new copy it.

14. TimeLine feature – coming task are show in horizontal time line.

15. Tasks and Content Aggregation – all task assigned to you, can be view at mysite.

16. Gamification Feature – to motivate and increase productivity this feature has been added.

17. Better Performance – App Model (CSOM) and less interaction with DB and caching.
and last but not least Collaboration.

Praveen Pandit

July 23, 2013

How to Add button in sharepoint 'Add New Item' / ‘Add new Announcment’ / ‘Add Document’ / 'Add New Discussion' list libraries on Top of defailt view / Top

I have goggled about this, found so many blogs but nothing worked as I was expecting, finally found my own successful way to 'Add New Item' / ‘Add new Announcement’ / ‘Add Document’ / 'Add New Discussion' to all list and libraries in SharePoint on Top of page. 

 var addButton = $(this).find("td.ms-addnew").html();  
 if(addButton != null)  
  $("div#WebPartWPQ2 td:first").prepend("<div style='margin-top: 12px;'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"+addButton+"<br/><br/></div><div class='ms-partline' ColSpan='2'></div>");   

for detailed code and step by step screenshots documents can be found here


and if you want To Hide Add New Item link button in sharepoint 2010 list of library
below information source : Raviraj
On home page add lists/libraries that you want and then select edit webpart and set toolbar 

type to "No Toolbar".
Or you can add style:


on home page.
Make sure that ribbon is hidden
or try this on home page.


Praveen Pandit

July 22, 2013

PowerShell how to add New Filed / Column type number / integer choice / DropDown in SharePoint

"PowerShell  how to add New Filed / Column type number / integer choice / DropDown in SharePoint"

Here is another example for How PowerShell is Powerful I mean useful.

Export List of site/ subsites

 $site = Get-SPSite "http://ServerName/SiteCollection"  
 Set-content ".\urls.csv" "URL"  
  foreach ($web in $site.AllWebs) {  
     write-host "Web URL -->" $web.URL  
     AC ".\urls.csv" $web.URL  

#above code will a CSV with heading URL and list of sites (like below) with name 'urls.csv'

///////////////////////////// Add Number or Integer Column ////////////////////////////

  $csv = Import-CSV ".\urls.csv"  
  $spFieldType = [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldType]::Number  
  $spFieldName = "Worked Hours"     
 foreach ($siteURL in $csv) {  
   # Web URL  
   $web = Get-SPWeb -Identity $siteURL.url;  
   # SPList name  
    $list = $web.Lists["Tasks"]  
   if($list -ne $null)  
     write-host "`nList is" $list "on Site " $web.Title " " $web.url;  
     $YN= Read-host "Press Enter to Confirm or Press ctrl+c"  
     if($YN -eq $null)  
      write-host "Checking Existing Columns."  
     ForEach ($id in $fld)  
       if($id -match $spFieldName)  
         Write-host "Column already exist`n" -foregroundcolor yellow;  
      Write-host "......Creating Column.....";      
      #The new field is not required Filed, so the value of the third parameter is 0  
      $list.Fields.Add($spFieldName, $spFieldType, 0)  
      Write-host "Adding Decimal two places formate"  
      $spField = $list.Fields.GetField($spFieldName)  
      $spField.DisplayFormat = "2"    
      Write-host " **Item Added** `n" -foregroundcolor green  
   else{Write-Host "No List Found"}  

/////////////////////////////////// Add DropDown or Choice Column ////////////////////////////////////

  $spFieldName = "My Column"  
 $Choices = New-Object System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection  
 $Choices.Add("Not Fixed")  
 $csv = Import-CSV ".\urls.csv"  
 foreach ($siteURL in $csv) {  
   # Web URL  
   $web = Get-SPWeb -Identity $siteURL.url;  
   # SPList name  
    $list = $web.Lists["Projects"]  
   if($list -ne $null)  
     write-host "`nList is" $list "on Site " $web.Title " " $web.url;  
     $YN= Read-host "To Confirm Press Enter......."  
     if($YN -eq '')  
     #column of type 'Choice Column'  
     $fld  = $list.Fields  
     write-host "Checking Existing Columns."  
     ForEach ($id in $fld)  
       if($id -match $spFieldName)  
         Write-host "Column already exist`n" -foregroundcolor yellow;  
         Write-host "......Creating Column.....";  
         #Add Choice Field to list  
          Write-host " **Item Added** `n" -foregroundcolor green  
          $views = $list.Views["All Items"];  
   else{Write-Host "No List Found"}  

Praveen Pandit